Here is a featuring a list of Indian boy baby names starting with the letter A, primarily Hindu names. Whether you’re looking for a meaningful name or seeking inspiration, this collection might be just what you need! From traditional classics to modern favorites, here are some popular Hindu boy baby names that begin with A: Aarav, Advait, Aryan, Abhinav, Arjun, Aniket, Akash, Ayush, Aditya, and Alok. Each name carries its unique significance and charm, ensuring a meaningful choice for your little one.
These names are commonly used in India and have a significant cultural significance. Choosing a name for your little one is an important decision, and we hope this list helps you find a name that resonates with you and your family. Whether you’re looking for traditional names like Aarav or modern names like Advait, this list offers a variety of options to suit your preferences.
Indian boy baby names starting with A list | Hindu boy baby names with letter A
- Aabhat :- Shining,Visible,Brilliant
- Aabhas :- Feeling,Virtual
- Aabheer :- Light
- Aadavan :- The Sun
- Aachman :- Intake of a sip of water before a yagya or puja
- Aadesh :- Command, Message
- Aadi :- First, Most important
- Aadidev :- The first God
- Aadijay :- The first victory
- Aadimoolan :- Being Extreme, Dominant or supreme
- Aadipta :- Bright, Blazing up
- Aadit :- Lord of the sun
- Aaditeya :- The sun
- Aadhik :- The person greater than all others
- Aadhish :- Full of Wisdom,Intelligent
- Aadhishankar :- Sri Shankaracharya, founder of Adwaitha Philosophy
- Aadhunik :- Modern,New
- Aadijay :- The first victory
- Aadinath :- God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, The first God
- Aafreen :- Encouragement
- Aagney :- Son of the Fire God
- Aaghosh :- Embrace
- Aahan :- Sunrise or dawn,First ray of light
- Aahlaadith :- Joyous person
- Aahwaanith :- one who has been invited,wanted
- Aakar :- Shape
- Aakash :- The sky
- Aakanksh :- Desire
- Aalam :- world,universal
- Aalap :- Musical,Raga
- Aalok :- Cry of victory
- Aamod :- Pleasant,Accept
- Aandaleeb :- The Bulbul bird
- Aapt :- Trustworthy
- Aariv :- Peaceful and wisdom
- Aarnav :- Ocean
- Aaron :- Exalted on high,Light bringer
- Aarush :- First ray of sun,space, galaxy, moon, star
- Aarul :- Blessed person,Grace of God and brilliant
- Aashay :- Meaning, Gist
- Aashish :- Blessings
- Aastik :- Believer of god and faith
- Aatreya :- Name of a sage
- Aatish :- Explosive, a Dynamic person, Progressive
- Aayushman :- With long life
- Abadhya :- Ever Victorious
- Abala :- Powerless, weak
- Abalendu :- The full moon
- Abdul-Azeez :- The servant of the Almighty, the Powerful
- Abdul-Baari :- The servant of the Creator
- Abdul-Ghafoor :- The servant of the Forgiver
- Abdul-Haafiz :- The servant of the Protector
- Abdul-Hameed :- The servant of the Praiseworthy
- Abdul-Haseeb :- The servant of the Respected, Esteemed
- Abdul-Jabaar :- The servant of the Mighty
- Abdul-Jaleel :- The servant of the Great, Revered
- Abdul-Khaaliq :- The servant of the Creator
- Abdullah :- The servant of God
- Abeer :- Color
- Abha :- Splendour, light, colour
- Abhasa :- Reflection
- Abhay :- Fearless
- Abhayananda :- Delighting in fearless
- Abhayaprada :- Bestower of safety, another name for Vishnu
- Abheek :- Fearless
- Abhi :- Fearless
- Abhinay :- Expression
- Abhijith :- Victorious
- Abhay :- A Son Of Dharma
- Abhibhava :- Overpowering, powerful, victorious
- Abhibhu :- Conquer
- Abhicandra :- With a moon like face, one of the seven Manus of the Svetambara jain sect
- Abhidha :- Literal meaning, name,sound
- Abhidi :- Radiant
- Abhidipa :- Illuminated
- Abhidyu :- Heavenly, bright
- Abhigyan :- Full of knowledge
- Abhihita :- Expression, word, name
- Abhijana :- Of noble descent
- Abhijata :- Handsome
- Abhijaya :- Conquest, Complete victory
- Abhiji :- To conquer completely
- Abhijit :- Victorious
- Abhijna :- Clever, skillful
- Abhijvala :- Blazing forth
- Abhika :- Fearless, Passionate lover
- Abhik :- Beloved
- Abhikama :- Affection, desire
- Abhikanksa :- Wish,desire
- Abhikhyana :- Fame, glory
- Abhilash :- Desire
- Abhima :- One who destroys fear
- Abhimand :- Gladdening
- Abhimani :- Full of pride, another name for Agni asthe eldest son of Brahma
- Abhimanyu :- Arjuna’s son, heroic, with self-respect
- Abhimanyusuta :- Son or Abhimanyu
- Abhimoda :- Joy, delight
- Abhinabhas :- Renowned, famous
- Abhinamin :- One who has a famous name
- Abhinanda :- To rejoice, to celebrate, to praise, to bless, delight
- Abhinandana :- Felicitous, delighting, welcoming
- Abhinandin :- Wishing, rejoicing
- Abhinadita :- Delighted
- Abhinatha :- Lord of desires, another name for kama
- Abhinav :- Novel
- Abhinava :- New, young, fresh, modern, a sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment
- Abhinavin :- New, Innovation
- Abhineeth :- loving
- Abhinita :- Well Carried, friendly
- Abhinivesa :- Study, Affection
- Abhinivesh :- Desire
- Abhipada :- One who steps fearlessly
- Abhipala :- Protector
- Abhipri :- Gladdening, refreshing
- Abhiraam :- Pleasing
- Abhiraj :- Fearless King
- Abhiraja :- Supreme king
- Abhiraksa :- One who protects
- Abhirama :- Pleasing, delightful
- Abhirastra :- One who conquers kingdoms
- Abhirath :- Great charioteer
- Abhiroop :- Handsome
- Abhiru :- One who is fearless, strong and powerful
- Abhirup :- Pleasing
- Abhisala :- Convergence
- Abhisara :- To spread brightness, companion
- Abhishek :- An auspicious bath for a deity, anointing
- Abhisneha :- Affection, desire
- Abhisoka :- Passionate, loving
- Abhisri :- To spread brightness
- Abhisu :- Ray of light
- Abhisumat :- Radiant, another name of sun
- Abhisyanta :- Splendid, a son of Kuru and Vahini
- Abhita :- Fearless
- Abhivira :- Surrounded by heroes, a commander
- Abhiviraja :- Full of brightness
- Abhra :- Cloud
- Abhrakasin :- With clouds for shelter, an ascetic
- Abhranti :- Without perplexity, without error
- Abhrottha :- Cloud born
- Abhu :- Unborn,not earthly
- Abhyagni :- Towards the fire, a son of Aitasa
- Abhyudaya :- Sunrise, elevation, increase, prosperity
- Abhyudita :- Elevated, risen, prosperous
- Abja :- Born in water, A lotus
- Abjayoni :- Born of the lotus, another name for Brahma
- Abjit :- Conquering water
- Acala :- Immovable
- Acalapati :- Lord of the immovable, lord of mountain
- Acalendra :- Lord of the immovable, the Himalayas
- Acalesvara :- God of the immovable, another name for Shiva
- Acanda :- Not of the hot temper, without anger, gentle
- Acarya :- Teacher, another name for Drona, Asvaghosa and krpa
- Acaryanandana :- Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acaryasuta :- Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acaryatanaya :- Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acchindra :- Flawless, uninterrupted, perfect
- Acintya :- Surpassing thought, incogitable
- Acira :- Brief, prompt, active
- Achal :- Constant
- Achalendra :- The Himalayas
- Achanda :- Without anger
- Achintya :- Inconceivable, a name of Lord Shiva
- Achyut :- Imperishable, a name of Vishnu
- Achyutan :- Indestructible
- Acharyasuta :- Son of teacher
- Acyutaraya :- Worshipper of the infallible, a devotee of Vishnu
- Adalarasu :- King of dance
- Adarsh :- Ideal
- Addana :- Shield
- Adesh :- Command
- Adeep :- The light of Vishnu
- Adeela :- Equal
- Adhik :- Greater
- Adhikara :- Principal, Controller
- Adhiksit :- Lord,ruler
- Adhipa :- King, Ruler
- Adhira :- Impatient
- Adhiraj :- King
- Adhiratha :- Charioteer
- Adhirohana :- Ascending
- Adhisa :- Lord, Master
- Adhita :- A scholar
- Adhoksaja :- Universe, another name for Vishnu and Krishna
- Adhrsya :- Proud
- Adhrta :- Unrestrained, Uncontrolled, Another name for Visnu
- Adhvara :- Not causing any injury, A sacrifice, A vasu
- Adi :- Beginning, Firstborn
- Adibuddha :- The first seer
- Adideva :- The first God
- Adikara :- The first creator, another name for Brahma
- Adil :- Sincere, just
- Adina :- Noble minded
- Adinath :- The first lord, Lord Vishnu
- Adikavi :- First poet
- Adipa :- Illuminating
- Adiratha :- The first chariot
- Adisa :- Ordered
- Adit :- From the beginning
- Aditeya :- Another name for the sun
- Aditya :- The sun
- Adityanandana :- Son of the sun
- Adityavardhana :- Augmented by glory
- Adityesa :- Lord of Adityas
- Adhisa :- lord, master
- Adnan :- Lion,Bravery
- Adripathi :- Master of the mountains
- Adipurush :- Primordial being
- Adrisa :- Lord of the mountains
- Adrupa :- Consuming the earth
- Adura :- Not far, near, soul
- Advaith :- Unique
- Advaya :- without a second, unique
- Advik :- Creativity
- Advika :- Unique
- Adwaita :- Non-duality
- Adwaya :- Unique
- Adway :- One, united
- Adyota :- Surrounded by light, brilliant
- Aftab,Aftaab :- The sun
- Agadhi :- Deep, incogitable
- Agama :- Knowledge, wisdom
- Agapito :- Beloved
- Agarva :- Free from pride
- Agasti, Agastya :- Name of a sage
- Agendra :- King of mountains
- Aghaghna :- Destroyer of sin
- Aghora :- Another name for Siva
- Aghrni :- Glowing with heat
- Agira :- The sun, the fire
- Agni :- Fire
- Agnimitra :- Friend of fire
- Agha :- Pre-eminent
- Aghat :- Destroyer of sin
- Agharna :- The moon
- Agneya :- Son of agni
- Agnikumara :- Son of agni
- Agnima :- Leader
- Agniprava :- Bright as the fire
- Agrasena :- Chief Warrior
- Agraj :- Leader
- Agastya :- A Saint In Hindu Mythology
- Agrayana :- Leader
- Agrim :- Leader, first
- Agriya :- First best
- Ahan :- Dawn, morning
- Ahanmani :- Jewel of the day, the sun
- Ahannatha :- Lord of the day
- Ahanti :- Indestructible
- Ahar :- Defender
- Aharpati :- Lord of the day
- Ahijit :- Conquerer of the serpent
- Ahika :- Of heaven and earth
- Ahilan :- Knowledgeable, commanding
- Ahima :- Cloud
- Ahinagu :- Excellent ray
- Ahisvara :- Lord of serpents
- Ahlad :- Causing delight, refreshing
- Ahuka :- Offerer
- Ahupathi :- Follower of prayer
- Ahobala :- Very Powerful
- Ahovira :- Very strong
- Ahmad :- Praiseworthy, Commendable
- Ahsan :- Mercy
- Ahuka :- Offerer, sacrificer
- Ahupathi :- Follower of prayer, a devotee
- Ahuta :- Invoked, invited, called, summoned
- Aijaz :- Favour
- Aiman :- Fearless
- Ainesh :- The sun’s glory
- Aja :- Unborn
- Anjani :- Son of Anjana
- Ajaat :- Unborn
- Ajaatshatru :- Who has no enemies
- Ajamil :- A mythological king Male Islamic
- Ajanta :- Eternal fame
- Ajasra :- Not to be obstucted
- Ajavindu :- One who has the knoweldge of eternity
- Ajay :- Invincible
- Ajinkya :- Invincible
- Ajit :- Invincible
- Ajitabha :- Unconquerable brilliance
- Ajitesh :- Vishnu
- Ajmal :- Pious
- Ajamil :- A mythological king
- Akalmash :- Stainless
- Akalpa :- Ornament
- Akanistha :- Elder
- Akand :- Clam
- Akantaka :- Free from troubles
- Akara :- Mine, a collection, a treasure
- Akasa :- A Touchstone
- Akash :- The sky
- Akhil :- Complete
- Akhilesh :- Lord of all
- Akmal :- Complete
- Akram :- Excellent
- Akrida :- Pleasure grove
- Akroor :- Kind
- Akshan :- Eye
- Akshar :- Imperishable
- Akshath :- Indestructible
- Akshay :- Indestructible,immortal
- Akshayaguna :- Lord shiva
- Akshit :- Permanent
- Akshobhya :- Lord Vishnu
- Aksitavasu :- Possessing undecaying wealth
- Aktu :- Tinge, ray, light
- Akul :- A name of Lord Shiva
- Akupya :- Not base, gold
- Alagan :- Handsome
- Alagappan :- Handsome
- Alagarasan :- King of beauty, handsome
- Alagarasu :- Handsome king, King of beauty
- Alaksya :- Visible, apparent
- Alak :- World, beautiful tresses
- Alam, Aalam :- The whole world
- Alamba :- Support, receptacle
- Alamgir :- The lord of the whole world
- Alankar :- Ornament
- Aleem :- Knowledgeable
- Alhad :- Joy
- Ali :- Protected by god
- Alok :- A man with lovely hair
- Aloke :- Light
- Alop :- That which does not disappear
- Amaan :- Peace
- Amal :- Unblemished, pure
- Amalendu :- The unblemished moon
- Amalesh :- The pure one
- Amanath :- Treasure
- Amanda :- Active
- Amandeep :- The lamp of peace
- Amar :- Immortal
- Amani :- Wishes
- Amartya :- Immortal, Amber of the sky
- Ambaka :- Eye
- Ambara :- Sky, atmosphere
- Ambarish :- The sky
- Ambuj :- Lotus
- Ambupa :- Protector of water
- Ameya :- Immeasurable
- Ameet :- Limitless
- Amidio :- Demigod,Half god
- Amil :- Invaluable
- Amin, Ameen :- Divine grace
- Amir :- Rich
- Amish :- Honest
- Amit :- Without limit
- Amitbikram :- Limitless prowess
- Amitiyoti :- Limitless brightness
- Amitabha, Amitav :- Limitless lustre, name of Lord Buddha
- Amitrasudan :- Destroyer of enemies
- Amitosh, Amitabh :- Boundless joy
- Amiya :- Nectar, delight Amlan unfading, everbright
- Ami :- Nector
- Amlankusum :- Unfading flower
- Amma :- Without Ego
- Ammar :- The maker
- Amadhya :- Not Indifferent
- Amod :- Pleasure
- Amodin :- Fragrant, famous
- Amogh :- A name of Lord Ganesh
- Amoha :- Clear, straight
- Amol :- Priceless
- Amolik, Amolak :- Priceless
- Amos :- Carried by god
- Amrit, Amrik :- Nectar
- Amshu :- Atom
- Amulya :- Priceless
- Amura :- Wise, intelligent, sharpsighted
- Anadi :- Eternal Anal fire
- Anal :- Fire
- Anamitra :- The usn
- Anamol :- Priceless, precious, rare
- Ananda, Anand :- Joy, happiness
- Ananmaya :- One who cannot be broken
- Ananga, Anang :- Name of Cupid or Kamadeva
- Ananta, Anant :- Infinite, Joyful
- Anantajit :- Always victorious
- Anarghya :- Priceless
- Anay :- Radha’s husband,Lord Vishnu
- Anbarasu :- King of love
- Anbu :- Love, kindness
- Anbuchelvan :- Kind, king of love
- Anbumadi :- Kind and intelligent
- Andy :- Brave
- Angad :- An ornament
- Angamuthu :- Made of pearls
- Aniha :- Indifferent, King of Ayodhya
- Anik :- Strong
- Anika :- Army, front, haed, brilliance
- Anil :- The wind god
- Anikait :- Lord of the world
- Aniketh :- Lord of All
- Animish, Animesh :- Open-eyed therefore attractive
- Anirudhha :- Free, grandson of Lord Krishna
- Anirvan :- Undying
- Anisa :- Supreme
- Anish :- Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva
- Aniteja :- Immeasurable splendour
- Anit :- Joyful unending
- Anjasa :- Guileless, deceitless
- Anjum :- A token
- Anjuman :- A token, a symbol
- Anjal :- Hallow formed by joining two hands
- Ankati :- Wind, fire
- Ankal :- Whole
- Ankur :- Sprout, new life
- Ankush :- Check, an instrument used for guiding elephants
- Anmol :- Priceless
- Anram :- Continuous
- Ansala :- Lusty, strong
- Ansh :- Portion
- Anshu :- The sun, Ray of Light
- Anshuman :- The sun
- Anshumat :- Luminous
- Antara :- Paragraph
- Anu :- An atom, follower
- Anubhaj :- One who follows worship, a spiritual
- Angra :- Not violent, gentle, peace loving
- Anugya :- Authority
- Anuha :- Satisfied
- Anuj :- Younger brother
- Anunay :- Supplication, consolation
- Anup, Anoop :- Without comparison
- Anupam :- Without comparison
- Anurag, Anuraag :- Love
- Anuttam :- Unsurpassed
- Anuvitta :- Found, obtained
- Anuvrata :- Devoted, faithful
- Anwar :- Devote of God
- Anyuna :- Not defective, healthy
- Anukula :- Agreeable
- Aparaditya :- Brilliant, enlightening
- Aparusa :- Free from anger
- Aparesh :- God Shiva’s worship
- Apasanka :- Fearless
- Apaspati :- Skillful, active
- Apasyu :- Skillful, active
- Api :- Friend, ally
- Apranesh :- Surrounding world
- Apparajito :- Undefeated
- Aprati :- Without opponents, irresistable, unequalled
- Apurva, Apoorva :- Unique
- Araga :- Without passion, cool, calm
- Aragam :- Assisting, helpful
- Aran :- Righteous
- Aranab :- ocean
- Arav :- Peaceful
- Arati :- Moving Quickly
- Aravali :- Righteous
- Aravan :- Righteous
- Aravinda :- Lotus, fragrant, beautiful
- Archan :- Worship
- Archit :- Worshipped
- Ardhendu :- Half moon
- Areehah :- Destroyer of enemies
- Arghya :- Offering to the Lord
- Arha :- Lord Shiva
- Arham :- Rhe word is just like OM for Jain community
- Arhant :- Destroyer of enemies
- Arindam :- Destroyer of enemies
- Arijit :- Conquering enemies, son of Krishna and Subhadra
- Arin :- With spokes, discus
- Arista :- Unhurt, safe, secure
- Arita :- Praised
- Arivalagan :- Intelligent and handsome
- Arivali :- Smart, intelligent
- Arivarasu :- King of wisdom
- Arivoli :- Glowing with intelligence
- Arivuchelvan :- One whose wealth is his wisdom
- Arivumadhi :- Intelligent
- Arivumani :- Intelligent jem
- Arivunambi :- Confident and intelligent
- Arja :- Divine
- Arjit :- Earned
- Arjun :- Pandava prince, bright
- Arjunesh :- A charater in mahabharata
- Arka :- The sun
- Arkin :- Shining, bright
- Arlo :- Fortified hill
- Armando :- Bold man
- Arnav :- Ocean
- Arnesh :- Lord of the sea
- Arokya :- Very pious
- Arsa :- Sky
- Arsabhi :- Like a bull
- Arshad :- Pious
- Arstisena :- Protected by swords
- Arsya :- Celestial
- Artham :- Fortune
- Arul :- Gods grace, gods blessing
- Arulchelvan :- Blessed
- Arumugan :- Lord murugan
- Arun, Aroon :- Mythical charioteer of the sun, dawn
- Aruni :- Name of a devoted pupil
- Arvind :- Lotus
- Arvinda, Arabinda :- Lotus
- Arya :- Honoured
- Aryan :- nobel
- Aryabhata :- Enterprising, Courageous
- Aryaman :- The sun
- Aryaka :- Like a Arya
- Aryakumara :- Noble prince
- Asao, Asav :- Essence
- Aseem, Ashim :- Limitless
- Aseelah :- From noble family
- Asgar :- Devotee
- Ashank :- Faith
- Ashesh :- Benedication
- Ashis :- Benediction
- Ashlesh :- To embrace
- Ashok :- Without grief
- Ashwath :- A Tree
- Ashraf :- Without grief
- Ashu :- Quick
- Ashutosh :- Lord Shiva
- Ashwaghosh :- name of buddhist philosopher
- Ashwin, Asvin :- A Hindu month
- Asit, Ashit :- The planet
- Asim :- Limitless
- Asjita :- Bearing victory, always victorious
- Aslam :- Greeting
- Aslesh :- Embrance
- Asoka :- Without sorrow
- Asrita :- Dependent
- Asruta :- Heard, wellknown
- Asvajit :- Horses by conquest gaining
- Atanu :- Cupid
- Atambhu :- The holy trinity
- Atal :- Immoveable
- Atharv :- Name of lord Ganesha
- Athiya :- To surpass
- Atihata :- Firmly fixed
- Atihata :- Firmly fixed
- Atiksh :- Wise
- Atithi :- Guest
- Atima :- Proud
- Atindra :- Beyond the senses
- Atiratha :- With mant chariots, wealthy
- Atisaya :- Excellence, superior
- Atiya :- To surpass
- Atma :- Soul
- Atmaja :- Son
- Atmananda :- Bliss of soul
- Atnu :- The sun
- Atralarasu :- Skilled king
- Atrasiu :- Great warrior
- Atreya :- Receptacle of glory
- Atri :- Prosperous, glorified
- Atul, Atulya :- Matchless
- Aureliano :- Golden
- Avadhesh :- King Dasaratha
- Avajita :- Won by conquest
- Avalok :- One who beholds
- Avaneesh :- Lord of the earth (Shiva or Vishnu)
- Avanindra :- Lord of the earth
- Avanish :- Lord of the earth
- Avarokin :- Shining, brilliant
- Avatar :- Incarnation
- Avi :- Favourable
- Avijit :- Invicible
- Aviraj :- To Shine As Bright As The Sun
- Aviklava :- Not confused, not unsteady
- Avikshit :- Not see before
- Avinash :- Indestructible
- Avirat :- Continuous
- Avita :- Protected
- Avi :- The sun, air
- Avichal :- unmovable
- Avijit :- Invincible
- Avikam :- Diamond
- Avilash :- Faithful
- Avinash :- indestructible
- Avinashi :- indestructable
- Avirat :- Continuous
- Avkash :- right, limitless space
- Avtar :- Holy incarnation
- Avyukt, Avyukta :- One with a clear mind, Krishna
- Avkash :- Limitless space Avatar incarnation
- Avyakta :- Invisible
- Avyukth :- Clear mind
- Ayaan :- God’s gift
- Ayansh :- The first ray of light
- Ayog :- Institution
- Ayudha :- Does not fight, peace-loving
- Ayugmanetra :- Another name for siva who has 3 eyes
- Ayugu :- Without a companion
- Ayuja :- Without a companion, unequal
- Ayush :- Long lived
- Ayushman :- Blessed with long life
- Ayustejas :- Energy of life
- Ayuta :- A son of Radhika
- Ayutajit :- A king who was theson of sindhudvipa
- Ayutanayi :- Judge of many
- Ayutasva :- The commander of the cavalaries
- Ayutayu :- With an unlimited age
- Ayusman :- A Brother of Dhruva
- Ayaan :- religiously inclined, Gift of God
- Ayog :- auspicious time
- Ayudh :- weapon
- Ayush :- One with long life
- Ayyapan :- Ever youthful
- Azeez :- Friend
- Azhagar :- The handsome one
- Azhar :- Famous, luminous
- Azzam :- The lord, Almighty
Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision, and we hope this list provides you with some inspiration. Whether you are seeking traditional names or more unique options, there is a wide range of choices to explore.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Indian Boy Baby Names Starting with A
What is the significance of choosing a name starting with the letter A?
In Hindu culture, it is believed that the first letter of a child’s name can influence their personality traits and future prospects. Choosing a name starting with A is considered auspicious and can bring prosperity and success.
Can you provide some popular Indian boy baby names starting with A?
Certainly! Here are some popular Indian boy baby names starting with A:
1. Aarav 2. Advait 3. Arjun 4. Aryan 5. Ayush 6. Abhinav 7. Aditya 8. Aniket 9. Akash 10. Adarsh
Are there any traditional Hindu boy baby names with the letter A?
Yes, there are many traditional Hindu boy baby names starting with A.
Some examples include:
1. Anand 2. Amit 3. Ashok 4. Akshay 5. Anuj 6. Anirudh 7. Ajay 8. Alok 9. Arvind 10. Ashish
Can you suggest some unique Indian boy baby names starting with A?
Certainly! Here are some unique Indian boy baby names starting with A:
1. Arnav 2. Ayaan 3. Amaan 4. Armaan 5. Advay 6. Abeer 7. Aarush 8. Aryan 9. Aadi 10. Ahaan
How can I decide on the perfect name for my baby boy?
Choosing a name for your baby boy is a personal decision. Consider factors such as the meaning of the name, cultural significance, family traditions, and personal preference. It is also important to ensure that the name is easy to pronounce and spell.
Are there any websites or resources available to help me find more Indian boy baby names starting with A?
yes our moralstory.in helps you to find best or you can search more here https://moralstory.in/names-idea/boy-names-that-start-with-a-indian-boy-names-starting-with-a/